Here are some interviews I’ve given over the years. I’ve included English translations for all of the German articles.
I hope that through reading them you’ll get to know me better. Enjoy!
Bold Journey Interview 02/2024
CanvasRebel Interview 08/2023
Shoutout LA Interview 03/2023
‘’ article about the staged reading ‘Yerma’ that I got to perform in 12/2022
A column I was asked to write for the ‘West Side Rag’ 09/2022
‘’ article about the sketch comedy show ‘A Sketch of New York’ that I performed in 09/2022
Interview with the Hamburger ‘Dorfstadt’ newspaper 02/2021
Interview with the Hamburger ‘Elbe Wochenblatt’ newspaper 10/2020
Blog post written by producer and filmmaker Lisa Baron 02/2020
Interview with the Hamburger ‘Klönschnack’ magazine 10/2019
Interview with the Hamburger newspaper ‘Elbe Wochenblatt’ 04/2018
Interview with the Hamburger magazine ‘Klönschnack’ 02/2018